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Trans Media International

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Trans Media International

Last Login : 2019-10-24 05:42:30

Total Views : 769

Doha, Old Airport

Doha, Qatar

30036331 , 4423 1171

4423 1100

About Trans Media International

With over 17 years of hardcore industry experience, Trans Media International has grown steadily from strength to strength to be a professionally competitive company. We offer one stop shop for all your Advertising requirements and solutions. The Company offers solutions for a wide range of advertising services including Digital Marketing, Media Planning, Graphic Designing, Printing Solutions, Website Designing, Corporate films, Photography and Supply of Promotional Gifts in Doha, Qatar. The company also develops and compiles an Online Information System of Qatar – This portal has become a well established means of sourcing business and general information on Qatar. It is very well established and well received by businessmen and end users not only in Qatar & Middle East but also around the world. The company has produced several television documentaries from Qatar, which was telecast on the Indian television channels namely Asianet and Kairali. Trans Media International has multinational companies, corporate groups, banks, medium and small companies continuing as its satisfied clients. At Trans Media, we understand the critical nature of keeping the customer's organization up and running from an advertising and marketing perspective. As the world of competition continues to grow, Trans Media International is poised to keep pace with it and anticipate the future needs of the customers and markets we serve. We look forward to various challenges & opportunities coming our way and strongly believe to excel, maintaining the highest standards of professionalism. Visit us at -

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