Al Yoha International
Abu Dhabi, Khalifa Street
Khalifa St, United Arab Bank Bldg,
About Al Yoha International
Taking after the development of the United Arab Emirates, The GIBCA Group of Companies was established in 1975. Fast to perceive the potential and willing to take an interest in the advancement of the youthful country, GIBCA set out to end up a noteworthy entrepreneurial and business power. Numerous universal organizations were tending to the doorstep to partake in the extension of the zone and organizations were drawn nearer and urged by GIBCA to be a piece of the energizing business improvements. GIBCA's broad experience of leading business in the Gulf has prompted significant movement in the regions of assembling, contracting, venture advancement, abroad speculation and conveyance. As a gathering, GIBCA is ceaselessly extending and differentiating its exercises inside of the developing mechanical area of the UAE and the district. This is accomplished by entirely possessed organizations, auxiliaries and joint associations, in the assembling and exchanging division, covering an extensive variety of items.