Lamp Media Tech
Dubai, Oud Metha
Gulf Towers, A2, 4th Floor, 402 A-21, Oud Metha, Dubai, UAE
00971509706725 , 042694123 , 00971509706725
About Lamp Media Tech
The digital era not only transformed lives but also the way businesses were conceived and conducted thereafter. Setting afoot in the digital era is a daunting task by itself. Lamp Media Tech began it’s journey 12 years ago and made its mark in the digital arena. Today they are positioned to be one of the most sought-after digital partners to assist companies achieve their digital goals. The company was set-up with the intent build, create and execute digital media strategies for companies to thrive in the ecosystem, thus meeting the demands of this era. With a myriad of services and digital innovations it became imperative to be in touch with the digital reality and deliver in real time. Lamp Media Tech is a Digital Marketing Company based out of the UAE that has a catalogue of services extending from website designing, online branding, Brand strategies, Search engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing and mobile app development to state a few. By harnessing the energy of the digital universe Lamp Media Tech is poised today to provide the platform to its customers to take their respective businesses to the next level. Mastering the digital universe with a plethora of services today, Lamp Media Tech can boast of having serviced customers across different verticals like the manufacturing industry, Healthcare and Pharma, Wellness & SPA, Real Estate firms, Educational Institutions, e-commerce to name a few.