Fajr Al Hind LLC
Sharjah, Industrial Area 12
PO BOX: 44439, Sharjah, UAE. Industrial Area 12, Behind BMW Showroom
+971-6-5389930 , +971 6 5389930
About Fajr Al Hind LLC
FAJR AL HIND LLC is a Switchgear and Electrical Trading Company, began its business venture in the year 2006, as stockist of Low Voltage Distribution Products. Since its Inception, FAJR AL HIND LLC has relentlessly formed into professionally oversaw association and completely committed to the elevated expectation of value and client administrations. FAJR AL HIND LLC has been reliably spurred by the need of Switchgear and Electrical Industry to guarantee the aggregate item fulfillment. With fundamental office in Sharjah, we are taking into account everywhere throughout the UAE, other GCC and African nations.