Unique Soft Network & IT Solutions
Abu Dhabi, Khalidiya
Street 5, Sector 14, Building # C-118,
About Unique Soft Network & IT Solutions
Interesting Soft is the main organization who gives File Maker Pro items, Solution and Maintenance in UAE. We are a full administration item improvement organization with the demonstrated reputation of creating remarkable undertaking arrangements. From idea to dispatch prepared item we influence full grown advances and incline strategies to relieve our customer's danger and quicken time to showcase. We have conveyed out of the case arrangement applications for an assortment of customers, extending from authoritative new companies to fortune recorded organizations. We are focused on empowering individuals and verticals through superior industry arrangements and applications. All through our history, we have extended our offerings and benefited from advancing innovation patterns to better serve our customers. With our broad group, enormous innovation portfolio, topic skill in verticals and conveyance strategy, we work with customers to accomplish he best fit in the middle of innovation and their business. Additionally by having engineers both coastal and seaward vicinity, we are very much prepared to offer our customers "Best Execution" association and backing; whether it is breaking new ground on custom improvement or day in and day out Managed Services for Software and Platform operational requirements. Our Software Services range crosswise over procedure and configuration to usage for Independent Software Vendor (ISV) bundles, frameworks re-building and combination, and in addition QA Testing and Support administrations. Our items depend on Unique Soft Intellectual Property.