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Computer Networks Middle East

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Computer Networks Middle East

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P.O. Box 27703, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

+971-6-5610876 , + 971 6 5610876


About Computer Networks Middle East

Computer Networks Middle East are the leaders in communication systems, applications and services. We design, build, deploy and manage DATA / VOICE networks for enterprises. We provide them with reliable, secure networks that facilitate customer relationships, enhance productivity and maximize profitability. Every business has its own special communication needs and objectives. CNME creates offers specifically for small and medium-size businesses to help them achieve the results they are looking for. Business partners, such as distributors and value-added resellers, help us deliver these solutions to our customers. Our customers depend on their voice and data networks -- for some, communication defines their very existence. C N M E assesses and designs networks to ensure performance and reliability, then monitors, manages and maintains them to keep them humming. Computer Networks Middle East offers both cutting-edge and conventional technologies that help working people to communicate with customers, and with one another. Our end-to-end solutions integrate hardware and software to deliver maximum value. The company was started in 1995 by a group of talented and enterprising young engineers having experience in field of Telecommunication and Computer Networking and who had determination to succeed. Today the group has grown and become an International Enterprise, and involved in SUPPLIES OF NETWORK ACCESSORIES, DESIGN OF LAN/WAN, STRUCTURED CABLING AND IMPLEMENTATION.

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