Modern Air Conditioning
Dubai, Ghusais
Modern Air-conditioning Systems L.L.C. Al Qusais,Industrial Area# 3 Dubai, UAE P.O.Box- 86312
+971-4-2679573 , 04 267 5223
About Modern Air Conditioning
Modern Air-conditioning Systems L.L.C. (M.A.S.) is a well established A/C Contracting company formed in DUBAI, UAE in 2003 dedicated to serve a competent business world exceptionally. Prior to this we had been effectively operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for more than 20 years. The company was formed to meet an identified need in the marketplace - to provide quality HVAC/R engineering services to the residential, commercial and industrial sectors at a reasonable rate. Modern Air-conditioning Systems is specialized in Supply, Installation, Maintenance and Repair of all types of HVAC/R systems, along with Ducting which involves fabrication and erection (installation) of Pre-Insulated [P.I.] & Galvanized Iron [G.I.] Ducts.