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BDO Chartered Accountants & Advisors

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BDO Chartered Accountants & Advisors

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Dubai, Deira

Suite 305, Al Futtaim Tower ? ? Al Maktoum Street, Deira ? ? P O Box 1961, Dubai?

+971-4-2222869 , +971 4-222 2869


About BDO Chartered Accountants & Advisors

Russi J Patel began his bookkeeping work on amid the 1950's and in 1962 moved to Aden, in South Yemen. Quickly, Russi set up his name inside of the business group in Aden. It was with that solid name with numerous driving businessmen venturing into Dubai, Russi established the present firm in the United Arab Emirates in 1967. The firm turned into the agent firm of BDO in the United Arab Emirates in 1975 and was known as BDO Patel and Co. In 1999, after a merger with another firm working in Dubai, the firm got to be BDO Patel and Al Saleh. From December 15, 2009, BDO Patel and Al Saleh is currently known as 'BDO'. This structures part of a worldwide activity that will bring about all BDO Member Firms in 100 nations overall embracing the single exchanging name of "BDO" by 1 January 2010.

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