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Evangelical Community Church

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Evangelical Community Church

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Abu Dhabi, Airport Road

P.O.Box 4006 Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.


+971-2-4464563 , 971 (02) 446-4563


About Evangelical Community Church

The Evangelical Community Church of Abu Dhabi was begun in 1972, when a little gathering of English-speaking Christians met together in the home of Carl and Barbara Sherbeck on Hamdan Street. The Sherbecks were individuals from TEAM, the association that established the Oasis Hospital, a Christian healing facility in Al Ain. The little assembly soon exceeded the Sherbecks' family room, and moved to a distribution center adjacent. Before long, TEAM approached the Abu Dhabi powers for property on which to fabricate a house for their specialists, making it clear that they likewise needed to utilize the property as a position of petition to God for Christians. Consent was allowed and a plot was allotted simply off Airport Road, opposite a vast outdoors mosque. In 1975 the underlying structures were finished, and the congregation moved to the new site. The offices were imparted to an Arabic church and a few Indian houses of worship. The Evangelical Community Church kept on becoming under a progression of ministers: Carl Sherbeck (1972-1977), Herb Lyon, (1977-1979), Gordon Stinson (1979-1983), Jimmy Smith (1984-1990) and Cameron Arensen (1990-present). In 1990, the utilization of the property as a spot for Christian gatherings was tested by powers at the Municipality. At this point, ten assemblages utilized the Center for general love administrations. After numerous claims and much request to God, another site was apportioned for the Evangelical Church Center. A momentous service was held in January 1993, and we moved into the new office in April, 1994. The ten assemblages were soon joined by others until 18 distinct assemblies were utilizing the Center. These assemblages priest to various dialect and ethnic gatherings.

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