Creation Heavy Equipment Trading
37 Collingwood Street Osborne Park Western Australia 6017
+971-6-7430176 , +61 (0)8 9244 3011
About Creation Heavy Equipment Trading
Romteck has been persistently growing new items for as long as 26 years. Item improvement has predominantly been in the Industrial Data procurement and Control ranges as portrayed in the Product Icon bar above. Romteck has a to a great degree assorted designing group and client base that has driven our item create. On occasion we have had over a 1500 items in our item database. A hefty portion of Romteck's items have discovered their way into the mining business and a number of our items put into the unforgiving mining environment have withstood more than 10 years of discipline up in the Pilbara and kimberley areas. Romteck additionally supplies various items to the Middle East (UAE) where they have outlived all our opposition, which is a demonstration of the nature of our items.