Robt Stone ME LLC
Abu Dhabi, Electra Street
P.O Box : 39588, 106, Bin Awdah Tower, Electra Street, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
+971-2-6767415 , +971 26767415
About Robt Stone ME LLC
ROBT.STONE (ME) LLC (RSME) is a developing EPC and Infrastructure Contractor for Pipeline and Process Plants in the Oil and Gas area in MENA district. ROBT.STONE, a differentiated organization, has huge mastery and fitness and an armada of best in class gear for executing any turnkey EPC/Infrastructure venture from theoretical stages through execution to venture conveyance. The organization was built up in Abu Dhabi in 2006 and has become consistently with an exceptional notoriety for its specialized achievements. ROBT.STONE has effectively guaranteed on-time conveyance of different activities in the district with an uncommon spotlight on respectability, security and quality gauges. Solid Professional Management group having a dream for interest in best HR and most recent advances and gear has pushed the development of the organization upwards in the most recent 10 years of its foundation in the Region.