International Advance Trading
Abu Dhabi, Airport Road
M01-Modern Pharmacy Building, Airport road, Abudhabi United Arab Emirates
+971-2-6222793 , 0097126222793/4
About International Advance Trading
IAT is the main Herbal ,pharmaceutical medicinal services supplier in Middleeast district ,set up in Abu Dhabi on 2003 , has reliably accomplished surprising development and today holds a noteworthy offer of the UAE and other ME market for Herbal social insurance , restorative and related items. Our solid nearness with auxiliaries over the center east north Africa area , top to bottom comprehension of these business sectors empower us to impression and upgrade the capability of our brands and items. As a wide zone organized business, IATemployees work flawlessly crosswise over land areas to boost the business potential. The combination of our inventive innovative work operations, our front line vital deals and promoting activities have increased the value of the business