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Eshraq Properties Company (PJSC)

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Eshraq Properties Company (PJSC)

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Abu Dhabi, Corniche

ESHRAQ PROPERTIES COMPANY. (PJSC) P.O Box : 108737, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates

+971-2-6264488 , +971 2 635 4854


About Eshraq Properties Company (PJSC)

Eshraq Properties Company ascends as an open shareholding organization with a capital of 2.325 Billion Dirhams. With a broad arrangement of recognized private, business, touristic and other land advancements, Eshraq is seeing remarkable property blast. Considers directed by the organization affirm the criticalness of speculation with in the land area in Abu Dhabi. These concentrates likewise express that the land ventures propelled in the UAE are considered to yield the biggest incomes to speculators.

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