Dar Optics Group LLC
Abu Dhabi, Hamdan Street
Gold & Diamond Park , Building # 4, Sheikh Zayed Road PO Box :93656, Dubai, U.A.E
+971-2-6273003 , +971 4 3466610
About Dar Optics Group LLC
We began with a dream to connect with clients far and wide with unrivaled eye care arrangements. Today, as a multinational optical store chain over the Gulf, Dar Optics has satisfied the vision and even past. Meaning to serve the growing client needs, we fulfill their generally differing tastes and inclination with a constantly upgraded scope of the world's driving brands.Identifying the quick developing markets in the district, our computed development arrangement has empowered us to expand our chain of outlets from UAE to Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and Saudi Arabia. Our vision and qualities have charmed us to our client whose confidence and certainty have seen us stride ahead to achievement. Their trust and backing our most noteworthy resource and inpiration to advance into an all the more encouraging future.