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Chun Wo Development Holding Ltd

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Chun Wo Development Holding Ltd

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Abu Dhabi,

5C, Hong Kong Spinners Industrial Building Phase 1, 601 - 603 Tai Nan West Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

+971-2-4476155 , (852) 3758 8711


About Chun Wo Development Holding Ltd

Chun Wo was established in 1968, at first captivating in the development business. In 1993, it was recorded on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under the name of "Chun Wo Holdings Company Limited". As its business scope extended to incorporate development, property advancement and property administration, the Company changed its name to "Chun Wo Development Holdings Limited" in November 2007 to better mirror the improvement of a more expanded business. Following quite a while of serious exertion and quick advancement, Chun Wo has turned into a legitimate development expert, and in addition a property administration and improvement endeavor in Hong Kong. The Group has significantly rebuilt the Company's shareholding structure following 2014. "China New Way Investment Limited" ("China New Way") in which China New Way would turn into the significant shareholder and budgetary speculator of the Group. After a year, China New Way used its shareholder stage to effectively get "China City Construction Holding Group Company" ("CCCC") as the Group's key shareholder. In 2016, Huinong Fund International Investment Limited, turned into the controlling shareholder of CCCC as it tried to assist reinforce the Group's money related quality and extend the Group's business scope in China and abroad by utilizing the Group's vital objective of "Entering China, and Going Global", which influences the Group's system and assets in China.

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