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Androsense Software Technologies

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Androsense Software Technologies

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Abu Dhabi,

P.O. Box : 114061, Abu Dhabi. U A E.

+971-2-6322434 , +971 2 6322434

About Androsense Software Technologies

Oil has overwhelmed the U.A.E. economy since its revelation, and as a consequence of its incomes, the U.A.E. has been capable, under the administration of the Late Sheik Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahayan, to set out on an advancement program verging on unrivaled ever. The absence of nearby commercial enterprises, administrations and aptitudes in the beginning of the U.A.E. improvement have implied that just about everything, be it products, materials, administrations, HR, and so forth required to keep up an effective petroleum industry, must be brought from abroad. It is against this foundation that AL NASSER HOLDINGS (ANH) was joined in 1977. ANH was the mind offspring of Abdulla Nasser Huwaileel who anticipated the requirement for a soundly based nearby holding organization to serve as a vehicle to grow new plans and to handle all his expanded speculations and interests at home and abroad. ANH was along these lines built up to partake in the neighborhood improvement project furthermore to exploit the related business opportunities. ANH's fast development into new fields was accomplished by its emphasis on greatness in item and administration which spoke to the establishment stone of the Group. The blend of the most abnormal amounts of proficiency and a firmly weave group of experts brought about a general level of administration especially in the petroleum business, which contenders discovered hard to coordinate. With this impulse, ANH started to completely execute its arrangement of vertical reconciliation through the development of new joint endeavors in numerous fields. ANH soon settled an unmistakable position in the business and petroleum segments at first inside the U.A.E. what's more, later extended its circle of operation to incorporate numerous Gulf states and nations in the center east.

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