Abu Dhabi International Quality Consultancy
Abu Dhabi,
floor 5, office 503, BLS International Services Building, delma street, PO Box 45689,
+971-2-6674660 , +971-2-4419533
About Abu Dhabi International Quality Consultancy
Made in 2007 through Sheik Khalifa Fund, Abu Dhabi International Quality Consultancy Est. is one of the best in class in UAE for Auditing, Training and Certification, and conveying choice administrations to help customers meet the constantly developing difficulties of value, wellbeing, security and environment. As a trusted accomplice, ADIQC offers imaginative turnkey arrangements that run past straightforward consistence with directions and models, in this way decreasing danger to wellbeing and security, enhancing execution and advancing feasible advancement keeping in mind the end goal to be the business pioneer in the neighborhood market.