Abu Dhabi International Medical Services
Abu Dhabi, Mushref
P.O. Box: 35880, Abu Dhabi, UAE
+971-2-4491555 , +971 2 5555 067
About Abu Dhabi International Medical Services
The firm speaks to medicinal types of gear, social insurance supplies and pharmaceutical producers, for example, GE Healthcare, IBA, Mobile Medical International Corporation, Wright Medical, LG Life Sciences, Arthrocare, LCA Pharmaceuticals amongst others. Upheld by broad system scope, ADI is deliberately put to serve its customers in all sides of the Middle East. Since the time that its commencement, ADI has become quickly, combining on its accomplishments and expanding on its notoriety for being a medicinal services administrations organization in the Middle East. As an expansion to its portfolio, ADI customers additionally profit by the organization's expert counseling administrations, enhancement systems and clinic administration. In an element and exceptionally focused medicinal services area, ADI's vision is thought about a great and continually growing customer base combined with undertakings in the UAE, as well as over the Middle East and North Africa including Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Kingdom of Morocco.