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Vizrt Middle East

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Vizrt Middle East

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Office # 1305, 13th floor Al Shatha Tower, P.O. Box 502472, Dubai Media City, Dubai, UAE

+971-4-3671993 , +971 4 365 4650


About Vizrt Middle East

Viz University is a preparation asset for Vizrt clients to procure and upgrade crucial abilities for their expert improvement. We will likely help Vizrt architects, administrators, engineers and managers in accepting the best preparing that fits their requirements. Course enrollment is accessible for on location and/or web preparing. You can get to the online courses through Vizrt Link at whatever point it is advantageous for you. Notwithstanding our instructional class offerings, Viz University likewise has different choices for web learning. Watch video instructional exercises, seek our documentation, or visit our discussion to share your thoughts and see what different originators, administrators, and engineers are making. Viz University likewise offers a preparation permit project to give both consultants and understudies a head begin in the media business.

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