Silk Route Beauty Products
Dubai, Jebel Ali
P.O. Box 17375 Dubai - United Arab Emirates
+971-4-8812000 , +971 - 4 - 8812000
About Silk Route Beauty Products
Silk Route Beauty Products was set up with an unmistakable mission - To fabricate fantastic cleansers and individual consideration items utilizing propelled advances, predominant crude materials, supplemented by rich bundling and additional quality evaluating. The way to fabulousness however is propelled innovations as well as qualified individuals. We have amassed the absolute most experienced what's more, qualified experts in the business. Individuals who comprehend and react to the requirement for reliable brilliant items and administrations. The most recent hardware what's more, quality control methods guarantee strict adherence to universal guidelines at every phase of the assembling procedure. From crude materials to the completed item, cautious measures are taken to acquire item quality