Securtex ME FZCO
Dubai, Dubai Airport Free Zone
Unit 2E G07, Dubai Airport Free Zone,Dubai, UAE
+971-4-2995924 , 971-4-2995924
About Securtex ME FZCO
Our central goal is to make extensive, financially savvy securitymanagement arrangements, that address your specific basic operational needs, concerns, and spending contemplations keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee the wellbeing of your staff and keep up the honesty of your physical and exclusive resources. Strategically placed at Dubai Airport Free Zone, Securtex™ ME offers our Security Technology Resource Center (SecurteX) to help with your security and reconnaissance challenges. Camcorders, CCTV observing and protects are insufficient in today's high-hazard situations. Being able to follow up on constant, visual or occasion made data is a need.