Sai Dham Vegetarian Restaurant
Dubai, Oud Metha
Sai dham Restaurant Saleh Bin Lahej Buildings Oud Metha Road SHOP NO 1
+971-4-3358788 , 04 335 87 88 / 336 6552
About Sai Dham Vegetarian Restaurant
ABOUT US Sai Dham Restaurant…..the cultural melting pot of the finest vegetarian cuisine from North of India…..a celebration of the exotic and colorful culture…..set in Dubai. An endeavor to breathe life into ancient principles of Ayurveda, we offer Saatvik food primed at one with simple and traditional methods, without using onion and garlic, hence considered to be at its purest. Serving Saatvik food, Sai Dham promotes mental clarity, emotional serenity and sensual balance and aid in the coordinated functioning of the body, mind, heart, senses and spirit. Our various menus offer wholesome dishes from India with herbs, textures, spices and flavors to lure any diner into our truly traditional and tranquil milieu.