Pizza Express
Dubai, Ibn Battutta Mall
3rd Floor Oud Metha Offices, Oud Metha Road, Dubai.
+971-4-3685134 , + 971 4 3247324
About Pizza Express
It began with Peter. Transcendently extraordinary. Glad to appear as something else. Subside Boizot didn't simply think outside the box. He thumped down whole dividers. He conveyed extraordinary pizza to Great Britain. What's more, significantly all the more other than. So he's much, significantly more than our author in those days. He's still our motivation today. Jordana Restaurants LLC is proceeding with this development in key ranges over the United Arab Emirates. We are taking off new PizzaExpress ideas, fortified by popular outlines reflected in our kin. Putting pizza making at the heart of our eateries, our point is for you to appreciate pizza in style.