Nellara Restaurant LLC
Dubai, Ghusais
PO Box No. 19370 Dubai- U.A.E
+971-4-2806444 , +971 4 258 5144
About Nellara Restaurant LLC
Nellara Food Products, made by a family claimed organization of India's Kerala State, this fantastic Curry powder, Rice powder, Rice, Pickles and Wheat powder have a brilliantly fragile home made taste. Prodded on by Kerala's interest with curry making, Nellara built up these incredible line of relishes and nourishment items. Nellara's entire extent is handled and pressed in Dubai to give you more freshness and timeframe of realistic usability. It is the main brand prepared and promoted in Middle East nations with valid Kerala mix. Nellara present before you a line of dynamic, crisp tasting sauces in cool and popular packs. Nellara likewise bring you worldwide quality Pickles, Rice, fine powdered rice and wheat powder. Organization is exceptionally quick to secure top notch rice and wheat from the best fields of India and procedure it with particular Kerala style.