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Mothers Restaurant

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Mothers Restaurant

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Total Views : 1736

Dubai, Ibn Battutta Mall

Shop 10, Building 19 Discovery Gardens, Dubai, P.O. Box 487041

+971-4-4390504 , 04-4390504

About Mothers Restaurant

Mother's is an idea which is particularly intended to give you new and solid dinners without fail. At Mother's we get ready 3 new set curries (2 veg and 1 non-veg) per feast time each day with the goal that you appreciate distinctive yummy curries amid lunch and supper consistently. Additionally, Chef's at Mother's are depended with the occupation of get ready just the best occasional curries just, as we think about your general wellbeing. All the sustenance is newly arranged preceding each feast time and however it makes us offer you a restricted decision in curries yet then it helps us in centering to make it however much more advantageous and more delectable as could reasonably be expected. Afterall this is what Mother's are about :) Enjoy your feast !!

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