Moghul Room Restaurant
Dubai, Oud Metha
PO Box 6765 Dubai, UAE
+971-4-3371234 , 800-GOODYR (466 397)
About Moghul Room Restaurant
Goodyear is one of the biggest tire and auto care organizations on the planet, with auto look after autos, business trucks, dashing autos, planes and world-class substantial earth moving apparatus since 1898. A multinational achievement, Goodyear is a $20 billion organization that utilizes more than 70,000 individuals around the globe. A notorious US brand which has been at the front line of buyers' brains following the start of the twentieth Century with a standout amongst the most unmistakable corporate logos, the Company's reality renowned Goodyear Blimp is a standout amongst the most conspicuous publicizing symbols on the planet.