Metallic Bolts Industries LLC
Dubai, Dubai Investment Park
P.O. Box No. 88490 Warehouse No.2, Dubai Investment Park 1, Dubai – United Arab Emirates
+971-4-8858907 , +971.4.8858907
About Metallic Bolts Industries LLC
Metallic Bolts is a manufacturer and distributor of quality fasteners covering a wide range of products, materials, and industries.Non-stocked items can be fabricated from our inventory of stocked carbon, alloy or stainless steels and other materials to meet any ASTM or customer specification, typically, within days. At Metallic Bolts, we are dedicated to meeting our customers needs. Our knowledgeable, experienced sales staff is available to answer any questions you might have and ensure your satisfaction. We manufacture custom and nonstandard fasteners and operate the highest volume distribution center of nuts and bolts and standard fasteners in the Middle East region. This diversity provides our customers with a strategic advantage; certified quality, superior service and fast delivery. ABOUT US; We manufacture wide range of standard & special bolts & fasteners in a vast array of materials, threadforms and surface finishes such as: Metric, UNF, UNC, BSF & BSW (Whitworth) threadformsM6 (1/4") to M52 (2") Diameter. Length Hexagon, Cup Round, Square Round, Nib and many moreSpecial Head shapes manufactured to customer specificationPetrochemical BoltsExotic Materials including Super Duplex, Super AlloysHot Forged or Cold Formed Bolts & SetscrewsBlanks for express turnaroundMetric Grades - Mild Steel Gr 4.6 to High Tensile Gr 14.9Imperial Grades - Mild Steel & High Tensile R,S,T,,VSurface finishes include Zinc, Galvanised, Sherardized, Geomet, DeltaMANUFACTURING CAPABILITIES: At Metallic Bolts, manufacturing capabilities are overseen by our professional Quality Assurance Department to ensure quality and accuracy. With our large inventory of stocked carbon steels, alloy steels, stainless steels and other materials as well as our inventory of pre-tested and pre-certified bolt blanks we can manufacture to any ASTM specification and meet just about any deadline. QUALITY: Our Commitment to QualityMetallic Bolts is committed to Total Quality Management. Fully accredi