Engineering Materials Supply & Trade Co. Ltd. Prospekt Isatai 1-J Atyrau 060011, KAZAKHSTAN
+971-4-8821660 , +7 (7122) 293249
About Prozone
Kazenco Is a only one Authorized Applicator & Dealer of in Kazakhstan Gundle/SLT Environmental, Inc. (GSE) is a leading manufacturer and marketer of geosynthetic lining products and services with a worldwide presence in the following markets: agriculture, aquaculture, canals, civil, golf courses, mining, power, stormwater retention, waste containment, wastewater, and other industrial applications. For over 30 years, people around the world have looked to GSE products to make their projects easier and better.With an expansive line of geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liners, geonets, geocomposites, nonwoven geotextiles, and concrete protection, GSE continues to develop solutions to meet our customers varying...