Jora Vending Machines LLC
Dubai, Ghusais
P.O Box:234510 Warehouse No. 1, Beside Romana Water Al Ghusais Ind 3, Dubai,U.A.E.
+971-52 8618274 , +971 4 265 2663 , +971 4 265 2663
+971 4 265 1664
About Jora Vending Machines LLC
Jora Vending Machines LLC is a Dubai based leading vending machines supplier positioned to provide the responsiveness of a local company. We are committed in developing innovative solutions to exceed customer expectations with our complete range of Snacks, drinks and Coffee products – using state of the art vending technology. We specialize in vending in all sectors of industry offers a wide selection of products in the best conditions through the latest technology in automatic machines.