Hudson & Parker MFZE
Hudson & Parker (Leisure Dvn) Post Box 4502 Dubai – UAE
+971-4-4217509 , +971 (04) 343 3447
About Hudson & Parker MFZE
In 1961, Tim Hudson & Edward Parker, joined together to start Hudson & Parker, their sole dream was to provide a different travel experience to leisure community by sharing the wealth of knowledge gained from their globetrotting experience. Today this association has grown many folds, enjoying the support of 648 accredited travel professionals, across the globe, contributing their professional experience in various fields of travel industry – Products, Operations, Administration, Communication, Sales & Marketing, Pricing, Sourcing etc – from 38 countries With 64 products in the basket – Cruises, Hotels & Resorts, Group Travel, Wellness & Spa, Ski Holidays, Adventure Holidays, African Safaris, Coach Tours, etc – we do nothing but follow what Tim & Edward did – sharing our travel experience with you.
one of the best in Market. with lots of care and treat towards clients. a fantastic cruise all incluisive plan in installment for everyone. keep it up hudson