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Utmost Group

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Utmost Group

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Dubai, Bank Street

Utmost Building Materials LLC PO Box 55014 Dubai, U.A.E


+971-4-3553883 , +971 4 355 3883


About Utmost Group

Most extreme Building Materials, which is a part of the Suhail Bahwan Group, is a Dhs.1.5 Billion or more development materials organization, set up in UAE in 1989. It is one of the biggest shippers and stockists of Reinforcement Steel Bars. It additionally offers esteem included administrations of Cutting and Bending Steel Bars through its partner Group Companies Utmost Manufacturing and Utmost Gulf. What's more, Utmost offers excellent development level Timber and Shuttering Plywood for Civil Construction Industry and additionally Joinery Grade Timber, Boards and Panels for Furniture Manufacturers.

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