Faisal Al Mansoori Transport By Heavy Trucks LLC
Dubai, Bur Dubai
Block Al Hamria Khalid Bin Al Waleed Road Office Number 01 Mezz Floor Al Mabrooka Building Bur Dubai ( before musalla tower ).
+971-4-3973124 , +971-4-3973124
About Faisal Al Mansoori Transport By Heavy Trucks LLC
Transportation is as we all know is one of the worlds oldest professions. Over the decades and most particularly in the last 5 years, the requirement of the shipping community has demanded great changes in our industry. Regretfully, few transporters have been able to adapt quickly and are still unable to offer the clients the "tailor made" services expected.Our roots date back to 17 years of the company existence in International transportation, allowing us to offer you the fundamental professional services always expected, but being at the leading edge of todays technology, we can assure you that our quality level exceeds by far the industry standards.We arrange road surveys, the choice of carriers & equipment, to advise you on the best method of transportation to ensure your orders are shipped on time and in accordance with your site schedule. Our key element is making sure seamless link between the suppliers and the site.FMT offers you a full range of international transportation products.Ocean Freight.Air FreightCustoms BrokerageLand TransportWarehousing & Distribution"Turn Key" Project DivisionCranes &Heavy Equipment rentalCargo Insurance & SurveysLocal & GCC Full Transportation Customs & Consular DocumentationMarket Development Assistance Most importantly, Faisal AL Mansoori can offer you quality & commitment. We strive to maintain quality levels unsurpassed in our industry. Our challenge is to secure your account ... our goal is to retain your confidence. After having dedicated so much time and effort in selling or buying your products on the international market place, why neglect the last link to success....