Lokhandwala Builders International LLC
Office Address 72, Gandhi Nagar, Dainik Shivner Marg, Worli, Mumbai-400018. Maharashrta, India
+971-4-3596530 , 022-40805555
About Lokhandwala Builders International LLC
India's Most Respected And Reputed Real Estate Company Lokhandwala Infrastructure is a professionally overseen ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified Company having some expertise in Real Estate Development. Throughout the most recent three decades, we have added to a few prestigious ventures in Central and South Mumbai and Dubai, covering more than 30 million sq. ft. Ventures like Lady Ratan Towers, Lokhandwala Residency, Lokhandwala Galaxy, Zahra, Harmony, Queen's Court, Rajabali Towers, Empress Court and Kohinoor, are a standing affirmation to our dedication to fabulousness.