Eastern Asphalt & Mixed Concrete Co.
Manama, Manama
Sh. Salman Highway Manama 356 Kingdom of Bahrain
17252078 , 17253262
About Eastern Asphalt & Mixed Concrete Co.
Eastern Asphalt and Mixed Concrete Co. W.L.L., also known as EAMCO was established as a partnership in the year 1976 between Abdul Aziz Mansoor Al-A’Ali and Ahmed Mansoor Al-A’Ali, to manufacture asphalt and construct roads and supply ready mixed concrete to contractors on the island. EAMCO is a government approved supplier for all its products. EAMCO’s plants and site operations are managed and supervised by engineers and technicians with extensive experience in their respective fields. The work force consists of skilled and unskilled employees backed up by external and in-house training facilities.
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- Building Materials
- Building Contractors
- Construction Companies
- Construction Materials
- Construction Equipment & Machinery Suppliers
- Construction Equipment & Machinery Repairs
- Concrete Repairs & Restoration
- Concrete Blocks & Shapes
- Concrete Ready Mixed
- Concrete Plant Suppliers
- Concrete Precast & Post Tensioning