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Last Login : 2018-10-20 06:50:05

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Dubai, Dubai Investment Park

Design People LLC European Business Center, Dubai Investment Park (DIP-1), Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

+97148135509 , +97148135509 , +97148135509

About berryevents

We provide Dubai events, Abu Dhabi events, business events in Dubai, Family fun festivals, Education conference, Music concerts in Dubai, Sports in Dubai, Drama theatre events in Dubai, etc. In a berry event website will provide upcoming, present, past Dubai events, Abu Dhabi events. basically, in a Dubai, UAE number of music band are performed peoples will not know about in which music concerts are presented in Dubai, on which date. all the information are provided on our website" berry events" many culture festivals one of the is drama theatre events that are performed in realistic dramas. we will present upcoming drama thear=te events and also provide sports in Dubai. a number of sports events are currently performed, choose from our website to register and participate in those sports events in Dubai, UAE areas.

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